Water and Treatability Studies
Make a Difference with the Most Modern Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Water and Wastewater Treatability Studies

Treatability studies;

  • To determine the character of water/waste water,
  • Choosing the most suitable treatment method to meet the discharge standards,
  • To enable treatment plants to operate more efficiently,
  • To solve the existing problems in treatment plants by conducting experimental studies in our laboratory.

Wastewater characteristics (COD, BOD, TSS, TKN, TP, Oil-grease, pH, etc.) are expressed by the flow rate and chemical properties of wastewater, and vary depending on domestic, industrial and commercial water use. Each wastewater can be treated with one or more methods and processes.

In process selection we take into account;

  • The processes are not to be complicated and can be operated easily,
  • Equipment and space adequacy,
  • Energy need,
  • The investment and operating costs of the facility,
  • Sludge amount and sludge removal cost,
  • The selected process meets the desired standards in effluent quality,
  • Issues such as the ability of the selected process to respond to oscillations that may occur in water quality and flow over time.

For Determining the Required Quality of Treated Water;

  • In case of discharge to surface waters, domestic or industrial wastewater discharge limits of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulation or the Water Pollution Control Regulation,
  • In case of use in agricultural irrigation, the quality criteria stipulated for irrigation waters in Chapter 7 of the Communique on Technical Procedures for Wastewater Treatment Plants,
  • In case of discharge to coastal waters, the discharge limits of the Bathing Water Quality Regulation are taken as basis.

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