About Preventing Major Industrial Accidents


What is Seveso / Bekra?

In Seveso, Italy, the Seveso Directive was published by the EU as a result of an industrial accident at a chemical production plant. With this directive, it is aimed to reduce the risks of major accidents involving dangerous substances. In this context, "REGULATION ON THE PREVENTION OF MAJOR INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS AND THE REDUCTION OF THEIR EFFECTS" (BEKRA*) was published in the Official Gazette on March 2, 2019, in order to prevent possible major industrial accidents in our country and to minimize the possible harm to human and the environment if they cannot be avoided.

Who Is In the Scope of the Regulation?

All businesses that store hazardous substances and their mixtures are obliged to report the chemicals they store through the online system of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.

Depending on the type chemicals stored in the facility and their amount, facility is classified as out-of-scope, low-level organization or high-level organization. Depending on the classification established, regulatory obligations must be met.

As BilgiÇevre Consultancy Services, our expert team carry out documentation work by controlling the hazard classification, in order to determine the scope of the establishment. Afterwards, a table of chemicals is created and calculations are made in accordance with the addition rule.

Upon completion of the calculation, the notification is completed through the BEKRA system, which is the online application of the Ministry. You can get detailed information from our expert team on the subject.

* BEKRA: Regulation on Preventing Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing Their Effects

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