According to the regulation;
It is forbidden to broadcast live music in open and semi-open entertainment venues in very sensitive areas.
In these areas, the establishment of open and semi-open entertainment venues is not allowed.
Existing open and semi-open entertainment venues in these areas are closed.
It is forbidden to broadcast live music between 24:00 and 07:00 in open and semi-open
entertainment venues operating in sensitive areas.
In other hours, activities are carried out in a way that ensures the specified limit values.
If it is determined that the open and semi-open entertainment venues operating in sensitive areas do
not meet the limit values specified in the inspections three times in a year, they are physically closed
It is forbidden to carry out concerts, shows, rallies, ceremonies, festivals and similar outdoor activities near, adjacent to, below or above, which may affect very sensitive uses. Concerts, shows, rallies, ceremonies, festivals and similar outdoor activities are prohibited between 24:00 and 07:00 in sensitive and less sensitive areas.
Considering the outdoor activities mentioned in this article, the people who are exposed to environmental noise and the intensity of the complaints, space and time limitations may be imposed with the Decision of the Provincial Local Environment Committee.