Environmental Consulting
Along with rapid population growth, developments in industrialization, urbanization and economic growth processes cause environmental pollution to increase at the same rate. Environmental Consultancy Firms play an important role in the control and inspection of compliance with environmental legislation, taking necessary measures to minimize environmental pollution and determining suitable technological alternatives for enterprises, industrial establishments and facilities in this process.
The pollution problem faced by our country has made the determination of the environmental management system for living spaces and the obligation to comply with the environmental legislations a more basic requirement.
As stated in Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey; “Everyone has the right to live in a healthy and balanced environment. It is the duty of the State and citizens to improve the environment, protect environmental health and prevent environmental pollution.”
It is the most basic duty of every human being to protect the environment, which is their common asset, and to fulfill their legal obligations in this direction. In addition, it is indispensable for a livable environment that enterprises, industrial establishments and facilities determine the basic principles in environmental processes and make the least contribution to environmental pollution in this direction.
Our company, which has an Environmental Consultancy Qualification Certificate, has a command of the environmental legislation and operates with its expert staff, with Environmental Consultancy Services for businesses that will be newly established or continue their existing activities;
- Informing about what needs to be done in accordance with environmental legislation,
- Necessary guidance to eliminate unfavorable situations,
- Required improvement activities
- Awareness-raising trainings for the personnel at certain periods,
- Required permit applications and follow-up of the facility,
- Detailed reports and regulatory actions
Supports your business at all environmental stages. We provide all the necessary connections with the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and the Provincial Directorate, following the legal process, with our expert team.
With the principle of quality and livable environment, we offer you a reliable, innovative and efficient service with our energetic and professional team.
With the principle of respect, responsibility and awareness for the environment, we accept the global not local "Environmental Ethics" and we carry out our work in this direction. We have only one habitable Earth.
You can benefit from our professional business solutions with Bilgi Çevre Consultancy, contact us to be our solution partner.