Sites And Villas In Sarıyer Region
Environmental Permit Procedures for Sites and Villas in Sarıyer Region


What is Environmental Permit on Wastewater?

It covers the controlled disposal processes according to the conditions determined by the competent authorities in order not to harm the receiving environment, such as lake, sea, soil etc., of the wastewater generated by the buildings such as residences, businesses, facilities in the living areas.

In Which Situations Is It Obligatory?

If there is no infrastructure system in the living areas of the facility, business or residences located in the Sarıyer region and the wastewater generated is not connected to a central Sewerage Line, it is obligatory to obtain a Wastewater Environmental Permit (wastewater discharge permit).

If the wastewater is discharged in water sources such as streams, lakes, and rivers, or used for garden irrigation, environmental permits are required.

The resulting wastewater can be domestic or industrial. At first, it can be thought that the wastewater from the houses, namely kitchens and sinks, does not cause environmental pollution. However, when the wastewater is analyzed in any laboratory, it is possible to see how polluting it can be.

What are To Do Actions?

Firms and Companies Obtaining Environmental Permits

The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization has authorized Environmental Consultancy Firms to provide guidance for facilities, businesses and residences within the scope of the permit. The current situation of your facility is evaluated by the expert environmental officers of the environmental consultancy firms, and action plan is made. Well, you rightly think that we can't do it ourselves. All applications must be made by the environmental officer and signed with a mobile or electronic signature. Working with an environmental consultancy firm is legally required.

What should be the amount of wastewater?

As for another issue, you may think that we do not have enough wastewater to create a permit requirement. In this regard, we come across the Water Pollution Control Regulation. And according to the regulation, facilities with 80 people or more have to establish a wastewater treatment plant. For this reason, the process of accumulating and pulling with a vacuum truck in the septic tank, which continues for a long time, is no longer valid.

If we make a small calculation; considering a site with 25 residences and 4 people living in a residence, 25*4 = 100 people. This site is obliged to have a wastewater treatment plant and to obtain an environmental permit on wastewater. In this case, it's only a matter of time before the inspectors of the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization knock on your door.

Saying that you did not know the issue to inspectors does not prevent the penalties from being imposed. The amounts of Environmental Fines on Wastewater, which are imposed within the scope of Article 20 of the Environmental Law, are quite high.

Such as,

- Those who do not establish the waste reception, pre-treatment, treatment or disposal facilities that are required to be established and those who do not operate them = 145.890 TL

- Those who do not have an environmental officer or who do not receive services from companies authorized by the Ministry, = 9.719 TL

- For those who do not fulfill their obligation to notify and give information = 14.578 TL

Taking action is cheaper than paying a fine.

In this process, our experienced team will be happy to support you with our experience in establishing wastewater treatment plants of many facilities and obtaining wastewater permits.

We are just a phone call away from you for a livable environment.

Bilgi Çevre Consultancy is a Professional Environmental Consulting Firm that Performs Environmental Permits behalf of your business.

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